Financial Aid

Carteret Community College participates in federal, state, and college-based financial aid programs. The purpose of financial aid is to provide assistance to a student in financial need who, without financial aid, would be unable to pursue an education.

Federal and state financial aid awards are made only to those students who have graduated from an accredited high school or earned a high school equivalency.

  • Financial aid recipients must be either US Citizens or eligible non-citizens.
  • Financial aid recipients must have completed admissions files and be accepted into an approved program of study.
  • Financial aid recipients must maintain satisfactory progress. A student failing to meet the minimum standards will lose financial aid until satisfactory progress requirements are met.
  • Financial aid recipients may not be in default on any prior student loan and may not owe a refund on previously received federal or state financial aid.
  • Financial aid recipients must reapply for financial aid each year.
  • Students must submit accurate and complete applications and documentation. Intentionally misreporting information on financial aid applications is a serious violation of the law and will be prosecuted as a criminal offense by the United States Office of the Inspector General.
  • Students must understand the College's withdrawal policy.
  • The Financial Aid Office reserves the right to review and cancel a financial aid award at any time because of significant changes in the student's financial or academic status.

All eligibility questions should be addressed to or to the Financial Aid Office, Carteret Community College, 3505 Arendell Street, Morehead City, North Carolina, 28557-2989.

The Financial Aid Office administers financial assistance programs to benefit-eligible students and families who are unable to afford the cost of a college education. Not all financial aid policies and procedures are listed in this catalog. Visit Financial Aid for additional information including how to apply, how to receive your funds, and rights and responsibilities.

Types of Aid

Financial aid available to Carteret CC students:

Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA)


  • Federal Pell Grant- This is the Federal government's primary grant program. Funding for this program is determined by the US Department of Education each year. This grant is "gift aid" and does not have to be repaid as long as the student does not completely withdraw or is not dropped from classes for the semester.
  • Federal Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility- Students may not receive Federal Pell grant for more than the equivalent of 12 full-time semesters.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)- The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program is for students with financial need who, without the grant, would be unable to continue their education. Typical awards range from $200-$500. Priority in awarding FSEOG funds is to students who are Pell-eligible and have a zero Expected Family Contribution.
  • North Carolina Scholarship Program-This program was created by the 2021 General  Assembly to provide financial assistance to needy North Carolina resident students attending eligible public colleges and universities located in North Carolina. 
  • For more information on scholarships for North Carolina residents attending a North Carolina public institution, please go to the College Foundation of North Carolina website.
  • North Carolina Veterans’ Affairs Scholarship- The Department of Veterans’ Affairs offers scholarship assistance to North Carolina children of deceased or disabled veterans or of certain veterans who were listed in a POW/MIA status. An eligible student should write to the NC Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Raleigh, N.C., for information. (Contact the Veterans Service Office, Morehead City, N.C., (252) 728-8440 for more details.)
  • Child Care Grant- The Financial Aid Office administers the Child Care programs. Priority is given to single parents and displaced homemakers, but all students needing child care assistance are encouraged to apply. Funds are provided to pay an approved child care provider for a parent to attend college classes. Anyone needing child care services may request an application from the Financial Aid Office. The priority deadline for applications is May 1.
  • Federal Work-Study- The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program is a need-based program.  Students must demonstrate a financial need and maintain satisfactory progress in all classes. This program provides jobs for students who must earn a part of their educational expenses. With a few restrictions, students may be employed in a variety of jobs Approved by Board of Trustees on and off campus. both on and off-campus. Carteret Community College is responsible for the administration of the program in that it selects the students to be employed under the program.
  • "America Counts"- America Counts is a program promoted by the Federal government to use Federal Work-Study students (FWS) as math tutors to help children improve mathematical skills. Carteret CC Financial Aid staff, the Carteret County School Board, and the local elementary schools are all involved in the administration of this local program. All interested students must verify eligibility with the Financial Aid Office. In addition to an hourly rate, all student tutors will receive paid training. Prior tutorial experience is not required. It is, however, very important that the FWS math tutors have adequate mathematics skills.
  • “America Reads”- America Reads is a program promoted by the Federal government to use Federal Work-Study students (FWS) as reading tutors to help children improve reading skills.  The goal of the program is to ensure that all children read well by the third grade. Carteret CC Financial Aid staff, the Carteret County School Board, and the local elementary schools are all involved in the administration of this local program. All interested students must verify eligibility with the Financial Aid Office. In addition to an hourly rate, all student tutors will receive paid training. Prior tutorial experience is not required. It is, however, very important that the FWS reading tutors have adequate reading skills.


Carteret Community College Scholarships- The College offers scholarships through Carteret Community College Foundation, Inc.

The Foundation receives contributions from individuals, businesses, and area organizations that fund annual scholarships for Carteret CC students. The Carteret Community College Foundation also administers endowed scholarships that provide annual scholarship support. The scholarship application is available on the college's website.

Outside Agency Scholarships- Checks should be made payable to Carteret Community College. Information regarding the student's name and Social Security Number should accompany the check. Remaining funds will be disbursed upon student request if allowed by the scholarship donor.

These types may be combined in a financial aid package to help pay for educational expenses. Generally, scholarships and grants do not have to be repaid.

State & Federal Regulations

Carteret Community College complies with all state and federal regulations governing student financial aid programs. These policies can change unexpectedly in response to legislative action or U.S. Department of Education interpretation. In the event of changes after this catalog is published, the Financial Aid Office will comply with the most current regulations and interpretations.

A student anticipating the need for financial assistance should begin the application process at the time of application for admission to Carteret CC or as soon as possible after December 1 of the year prior to the applicable year. For instance, students should apply on December 1, 2023, for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year.

In order for students to charge tuition, fees, and books to their financial aid accounts, financial aid files must be completed by the deadline posted on the website.

Students may apply for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid  (FAFSA) at 

A student may be required to submit other applicable forms if selected for verification or as requested by the Financial Aid Office.


To qualify for financial aid, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
  • Have a high school diploma or earned a high school equivalency.
  • Enroll or be accepted at Carteret Community College. Your Carteret CC application must be on file.
  • Major in an eligible program of study and take eligible courses.
  • Meet Selective Service requirements, if applicable.
  • Not be in default on any federal student loan or owe a federal grant repayment.
  • Meet FAFSA criteria for financial need (for most financial aid programs).
  • Maintain academic standards of progress for financial aid students.

Some factors limit financial aid:

  • If you received a full-time Pell Grant for more than six years, you are no longer eligible for this award.
  • If you are a co-enrolled or summer transfer student, you must obtain financial aid from your home college or university. Contact your home institution to request a consortium agreement that allows you to apply your financial aid to Carteret Community College classes.
  • The U.S. Department of Education established regulations to prevent fraud and abuse in the Federal Student Aid program by identifying students with unusual enrollment histories. Students who have been selected for unusual enrollment will have to appeal in order to be eligible for financial aid.
  • Further information regarding eligibility can be found on the Financial Aid website.

Priority Dates to Apply for Financial Aid

Because some types of funds are limited, we recommend you submit your financial aid application (FAFSA) by the priority dates. Students who submit their application after the priority dates are still eligible for financial aid but may need to pay their tuition before the payment due date.

Priority Dates for Financial Aid

Fall start

January 1 before Fall start

Spring start


Summer start


You must check your Carteret Community College student email and/or Carteret Compass for important deadlines.

Exceptional Circumstances

The Financial Aid Office has the authority to make adjustments to a student's cost of attendance and Expected Family Contribution, or dependency status. The Financial Aid Office may treat a student with special circumstances differently than the strict application of the eligibility formula would otherwise permit. Adjustments can either increase or decrease a student's Expected Family Contribution or cost of attendance.  Students whose income has drastically changed, through no fault of their own, may request a Professional Judgement.  Please speak with a Financial Aid Officer to discuss further.

The reason for the adjustment must relate to that student's special circumstances and must be documented in the student's file.

Maintaining Financial Aid Eligibility

Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid

Any student receiving Federal Student Financial Aid at Carteret CC must maintain satisfactory academic progress in the course of study the student is pursuing in order to continue receiving aid. Carteret CC’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements are

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. Course work includes student withdrawals, automatic withdrawals, incompletes, college transitional and repeated courses.
    Audited classes will not be included in the GPA calculation.
  2. Pass two-thirds (67%) of the cumulative course work attempted. Course work attempted includes withdrawals, automatic withdrawals, incompletes, college transitional and repeated courses.
  3. Complete degree requirements within 150% of the published program length for a full-time student. For example, a student in the college transfer curriculums must complete the degree by the time they have attempted 90 credit hours (60 x 150%). Students who exceed this maximum time frame will not be eligible for further aid.

Credits taken at Carteret CC that count towards the student’s current major, as well as incompletes, withdrawals, repetitions, and hours transferred from another institution, will count in this calculation. college transitional and audited courses are not counted. For Carteret CC students who change their major, credits that do not count toward a student’s new major will not be included in satisfactory academic progress determination.

Enforcement of Satisfactory Progress

  1. Satisfactory progress will be evaluated before awarding and at the end of each semester.
  2. Failing to comply with the minimum standards, a student will be placed on financial aid warning. A student on warning may still receive financial aid for the next term.
  3. If, after the warning semester, the student’s grade point average and/or pass completion ratio returns to the minimum standard, the student will return to satisfactory progress.
  4. If, after the warning semester, the student fails to meet the minimum cumulative standards, financial aid will be terminated.
  5. Students are not allowed to receive financial aid for more than 30 semester hours of attempted college transitional courses. Students are not allowed to appeal this regulation.

Student Appeal Procedures

A student whose financial aid is terminated and who feels there are exceptional circumstances (circumstances beyond the student’s control) may appeal the termination.

  1. Students must attend a Financial Aid Appeal Workshop, during which additional requirements will be discussed.
  2. Students must develop an academic plan with an advisor.

If the appeal is approved, the student must adhere to the existing academic plan. Additional conditions may be added by the Financial Aid Office and/or Financial Aid Advisory Committee based on the student’s prior enrollment history. A student who fails to adhere to these conditions will be re-suspended and will not be allowed to re-appeal.

With the appropriate documentation, the financial aid officer reserves the right to use professional judgment, HEA Sec. 479A(a), to automatically approve a student’s appeal.

The Financial Aid Advisory Committee is allowed up to ten (10) working days to review this appeal. The student will be notified, in writing, of the Financial Aid Advisory Committee's decision.  Financial Aid appeals will not be processed during registration periods. Students who have been terminated, but then appeal, will be required to pay their tuition, fees, and book charges out-of-pocket for the term/semester.

If the Financial Aid Advisory Committee votes to deny the appeal, the student will have up to ten (10) working days to resubmit an appeal with significantly different information to the Financial Aid Advisory Committee or request the Dean of Student Services to review the case to verify that the Financial Aid Advisory Committee exercised due process and evaluated the appeal fairly. If the Dean of Student Services discovers that the original appeal failed to detail significant information to the Financial Aid Advisory Committee, the Dean of Student Services will request that the student rewrite the appeal, attaching supporting documentation for the Financial Aid Advisory Committee to review.

The Dean of Student Services is allowed up to ten working days to review the case. The student will be notified, in writing, of the Dean of Student Services' decision.

If the rewritten appeal is denied, the student will have up to ten (10) working days to submit an appeal to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Support. The Vice President of Instruction and Student Support will review the case, evaluating whether the student has received due process, and the Financial Aid Advisory Committee evaluated the appeal fairly. The Vice President of Instruction and Student Support has final jurisdiction.