Dropping/Withdrawing from Courses

You may withdraw or drop, from a course or from the College with a grade of WD any time before the 10 percent date of the course. Shorter sessions have prorated drop dates, please refer to the Academic Calendar for specific session drop dates.

If you drop a course before its census date, or official reporting date, the course is deleted from your enrollment, does not earn any grade, and does not appear on your transcript. If you drop a course after the census date, a grade will be included on your transcript.

Reporting dates vary, so you are strongly encouraged to consult your instructor, the course syllabus, or the Carteret Community College website for the drop and withdrawal dates for your course.

Withdrawal Process

You may withdraw from a course prior to the withdrawal date. Until you are officially withdrawn, your name remains on the class roll, and you may receive a grade of F for the course.

To officially withdraw from a course follow the steps below:

  1. Secure and complete a Drop/Add/Withdrawal form. If the form is initiated before the 10 percent date of the semester, the student is eligible for tuition credit.
  2. Complete the form including personal information and identifying course information.
  3. For seated courses, have the instructor provide the last date of attendance.
  4. Return the form to the Registrar Office or registrar@carteret.edu for processing.
  5. The Registrar will notify students and individual instructors of course or program withdrawal.

You will be dropped from a course if you are marked as “never attended” by the course instructor on the attendance certification roster. No grade will appear on your transcript. You may be eligible for a refund on a portion of your tuition and fees if the withdrawal occurs during the tuition refund period. If you were awarded financial aid, you may be required to repay any funds you received.

Withdrawal Consequences

Dropping or withdrawing from a course can have serious consequences that affect your financial aid, veterans’ benefits, and academic standing. Consult with your instructor or advisor before dropping a class.

Visit Withdrawals for more information.

Schedule Adjustment Period

  1. There will be a four-day Schedule Adjustment Period, beginning with the first day of classes and not counting a Saturday or Sunday, during which the following actions may be taken for registered students:
    1. Students may be moved to a different level of a course (such as in College Prep or developmental education) upon approval by the advisor and receiving instructor.
    2. Students may change sections of the same course upon approval by advisor and the receiving instructor.
    3. Students may drop their course.
    4. Students may add a course that has not yet met and is not full, upon approval of advisor.