Student Complaints & Process

In cases where a student complaint is about a situation or event with which the student disagrees, but there is no injury to the student, the student should request a meeting with the person with decision-making authority over the situation or event to express the concern or present alternate opinions. If the student is unclear about with whom the student needs to meet or unsure how to present the concern, a student advocate can assist the student.

A student complaint resulting from an act of another student or faculty or staff member of the College that violates college policy, student conduct rules, or the law; or an omission of the College or its employees when the complainant is injured by the act or omission is resolved in a two- stage process:

Stage 1 - Informal Resolution
Stage 2 - Formal Resolution

Exceptions: Complaints involving unlawful harassment, stalking, or sex offenses are reported to the Title IX Coordinator and follow the procedures for Resolution of Sexual Offenses. Students reporting these offenses are not required to confront the student, faculty, or staff member involved with the situation.>

Stage 1- Informal Resolution

  • Depending on the circumstances or area of concern, the student must request a conference with the staff or faculty member whose act or omission is the subject matter of the complaint. Such a conference should be held quickly with the full cooperation of all parties.
  • If the staff or faculty member can resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the student, the matter should be settled. If the matter cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student must meet with a Student Services staff member. This member will act as the student’s advocate and will assist the student and mediate the complaint.
  • The student and the advocate must request a conference with the staff or faculty member whose act or omission is the subject matter of the complaint. Such a conference should be held quickly with the full cooperation of the student and college employees.
  • If the staff or faculty member can resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of the student, the matter should be settled informally.

Stage 2- Formal Resolution

If the staff or faculty member cannot resolve the complaint, the student complainant (with the assistance of an advocate) shall, within ten (10) business days of the conference:

  1. Put the complaint in writing, containing a concise statement of the complaint, and a short, plain statement of the supporting facts (including the date of the required conferences referenced above, if applicable).
  2. Send the written complaint by certified mail, return receipt requested, restricted delivery, email from the student’s college account, or hand-delivery to the supervisor of the college employee whose act or omission is the subject matter of the complaint, the Academic Dean if an issue is with faculty or a class. If the complaint is not academically related, the Dean of Student Services, or a designated grievance officer depending on the nature of the complaint.
  3. The supervisor, dean, or a designated grievance officer so served shall make a final decision and shall notify, in writing, the student, student advocate, and college employee within five (5) business days of the receipt of the complaint.

The student may appeal the final decision using the Procedures for Student Appeal.