Emergency Procedures

Emergency procedure posters are located in classrooms and meeting rooms to provide information on different emergency procedures. Review these plans to learn evacuation routes, outside rally locations, and indoor shelter-in-place areas. Visit the Emergency Management website for more detailed procedures on general emergencies.

Carteret CC Emergency Alert

Carteret CC Emergency Alert utilizes the ReGroup Messaging System to send safety and security-related notifications via email, text message, and automated voice calls. Carteret CC Emergency Alert advise you of threats on campus, impending weather, and campus closures.

Armed Intruder/Gunman on Campus

If you witness an armed attacker on campus (or any person with a weapon) call 911 as soon as possible.

Provide the following information to the dispatcher or law enforcement official:

  • Location of the active shooter or armed individual
  • Number of shooters or suspects
  • Physical description of suspect(s)
  • Number and type of weapons in their possession
  • Number of potential victims at the location

Adverse Weather

The decision to close the College will rest with the President and will take into account many factors, in particular the safety of students and employees.

If the College is closed due to adverse weather or other emergency, instruction will continue using the College’s learning management system (LMS).  Instructors are required to post alternative assignments in the LMS and notify students of the posted assignments at the next scheduled class meeting. Instructors will also send alternative assignments as posted in the LMS to the Registrar or designee of the Vice President of Instruction and Student Support for audit purposes. Students will be notified by their instructor regarding making up missed clinical and clock-hours.