Parking & Transportation

Motorized and non-motorized vehicles licensed for on-road use are limited to campus roadways and designated parking areas. Motorized off-road vehicles are not permitted on college property. Non- motorized vehicles including, but not limited to, roller skates, roller blades, scooters, and skateboards are permitted under the following conditions:

  • Their use is limited to transporting the operator from one location to another;
  • They are operated on roadways and sidewalks in a safe manner;
  • Operators yield to pedestrian and motorized vehicles allowing them the right-of-way; and
  • Their operation does not promote damage to or damage College property in any way.

Campus Parking

Parking is available at Carteret Community College employees and students currently attending at least one course. You must obtain a Parking Permit if you park a vehicle on campus. Parking Permits are valid through the current academic year as long as the Permit holder is a current employee or student. A Parking Permit is not a guarantee of a parking space.

Obtain a Parking Permit

Parking stickers are required for students and may be obtained at the reception desk in the Henry J. McGee Building. All campus parking areas are regulated and patrolled by campus security.

Public Transportation

Carteret County Area Transportation System (CCATS) is an accessible public transportation service for all residents and guests of Carteret County. Anyone can ride and they make stops on our campus. Visit CCATS to learn how to ride.

Be Safe

Campus Security is available to escort students and employees to their cars, simply call (252) 222-6188. Always have your keys ready when you approach your vehicle and keep your doors locked even when sitting inside your car.

Parking Regulations, Permits, & Enforcement

A driver may park in any lined parking space on campus so long as it is not a reserved parking space. Reserved parking spaces include those marked reserved for: (1) disabled/handicapped parking, (2) staff parking, (3) or any other space clearly marked as a reserved space. General parking for students, visitors, and the general public are not designated.

If a vehicle is incorrectly parked, a ticket will be issued. The cost of each ticket issued for a non-towing offense will be $5. A vehicle is subject to being towed at the driver’s expense for one of the following offenses:

  1. Parking in driveways or walkways.
  2. Parking in roadways or fire lanes.
  3. Taking up two parking spaces by a vehicle whose size should be accommodated by one space.
  4. Parking near roadway easements.
  5. Parking on the campus’ grounds (example: drive over the curb onto a grasses area).
  6. Any offense that blocks traffic or might be potentially dangerous to other persons.
  7. Parking on campus when college is in session after parking privileges have been suspended.
  8. Blatant disregard of driving or parking regulations (example: a person is verbally warned not to park in a certain area by the enforcement officer. The enforcement officer in making rounds half an hour later recognizes that the offender parked there anyway).

Parking will be enforced only during weekdays (M-F) between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Generally, parking is not enforced on either holidays or weekends or outside the times mentioned above. However, on special occasions enforcement may be necessary during these hours as well. If this should occur, ample notice will be given, or campus security will be available to direct traffic or give special instruction.

Fines must be paid at the College’s Business Office within 14 calendar days after a ticket is issued. If the time is exceeded without the ticket being paid, and the offender is a student, this will result in suspension of parking privileges until paid and could also result in the withholding of student records, grades, transcripts, registration, or other official records.