Students’ Rights & Responsibilities

All Carteret Community College (Carteret CC) students hold certain rights and privileges together with corresponding duties and responsibilities. Visit the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities – Overview section in this catalog for more information.

Each student is guaranteed the exercise of rights of citizenship under the Constitution of the United States without fear or prejudice. In addition to Constitutional rights as a citizen, each individual enrolled at the College is guaranteed additional student rights, which are listed below:


  • Students are free to pursue their educational goals. Appropriate opportunities for learning in the classroom and on the campus shall be provided by the College.
  • Free inquiry, expression, and peaceful, nonthreatening assembly are guaranteed to all students.
  • No disciplinary sanctions other than verbal warning and written reprimand may be imposed upon any student without due process.
  • Evaluation of student academic performance shall not be prejudicial. The student is entitled to an explanation of the basis for grades. The College, however, has the right to set reasonable academic standards which students must meet.
  • The College and members of the College community have the right to expect personal safety, protection of property, and the continuity of the educational process.
  • Both the accuser and the accused in a disciplinary action have the right to have an advisor present during the disciplinary process and to simultaneous notification of the decision.

Students are expected to acquaint themselves with and observe College regulations and policies contained in the College Catalog & Student Handbook, The College Policy and Procedure Manual, and all announcements made through the administration.


Business Days. Any day that the college administrative offices are open for the regular transaction of college business, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal state holidays observed according to the academic calendar, and Fridays from the third Friday in May through the second Friday in August.

Proof of Receipt. The address to which correspondence to a student is sent shall be the last place of residence as recorded on official college records.

The return receipt of the US Postal Service shall constitute proof of receipt of all mailed correspondence and documents

A copy of the hand-delivered document, signed and dated by the recipient, shall constitute proof of receipt of all hand delivered correspondence and documents.

Return receipt of delivery for email sent to a student’s email account shall constitute proof of receipt of all emailed correspondence and documents.

Contacts: Lewis Stroud, Dean, Student Services, 252-222-6021,