Associate in Science

AS: Teacher Preparation (University Transfer)

For Additional Information, Contact: 
Karen Bochnovic
(252) 222-6064

The Associate in Science Teacher Preparation degree is a planned program of study consisting of education and general education transfer courses. Students should consult their senior institution’s transfer pathway when choosing from a list of course options. 

The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) and the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (ICAA) enables North Carolina community college graduates of two-year associate in science programs who are admitted to constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina and to Signatory Institutions of North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities to transfer with junior status. Community college graduates must obtain a grade of “C” or better in each course and an overall GPA of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale in order to transfer with a junior status.  

For students who are undecided on their transfer pathway, recommended choices include: PSY-150, COM-231, ENG-242, PSY-241, SPA-111, SPA-112, SPA-211

Fall 2 Semester

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Spring 2 Semester

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Total Credits